第55回人権理事会 議題2 (指定専門家の協力による)スーダンの人権状況に関する人権高等弁務官の報告書についての強化されたインタラクティブ・ダイアローグにおける竹内康朗専門調査員ステートメント(2024年3月1日)

The 55th Session of the Human Rights Council
Item 2: Enhanced ID on High Commissioner’s report on the Sudan (with assistance of designated Expert)
Statement of Japan
TAKEUCHI Yasuaki, Human Rights Adviser
The Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva
 1 March 2024
   Thank you, Madam Vice-President.
   Japan expresses its appreciation for the High Commissioner’s report compiled with the assistance of the Designated Expert, and the continued efforts by OHCHR to address the human rights situation in Sudan.
   Japan remains deeply concerned about the situation in Sudan, including the reports of indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas, destruction of civilian infrastructure, use of human shields, and an increase in sexual and gender-based violence.
   Japan calls on all parties to fulfill their obligations under international humanitarian law, renounce violence, take active steps to reduce tensions, and ensure the safety of all civilians.
   Japan is also concerned about the reported shrinking of civic space and the dire human rights situation faced by the people of Sudan, especially women and girls. Even in such a situation, fundamental human rights, based on international human rights law, must be protected.
   Japan recognizes the mediation efforts by various countries and organizations concerned, and continues to support the efforts of relevant parties to realize a ceasefire and transition to civilian rule.
   I thank you.