第55回人権理事会 議題2 ミャンマーに関する人権高等弁務官口頭報告及びインタラクティブ・ダイアローグにおける本清耕造大使ステートメント(2024年3月1日)

The 55th Session of the Human Rights Council
Item 2: Interactive dialogue on the High Commissioner oral update on Myanmar
Statement of Japan
HONSEI Kozo, Ambassador
The Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva
1 March 2024

Thank you, High Commissioner, for your insightful report.
Japan remains seriously concerned about the continuing deterioration of the human rights situation in Myanmar. We deplore the lack of concrete progress over the past three years since the coup d’état.
Japan strongly condemns the Myanmar military’s repeated extension of the state of emergency and failure to seek a peaceful resolution while many innocent civilians are killed and wounded daily. We once again urge all stakeholders to refrain from violence and work together towards a peaceful resolution.
It is crucial to improve the human rights and humanitarian situations in Myanmar in a manner that reflects the will of the people of Myanmar. To this end, Japan will continue to work closely with the international community, including ASEAN, and make every effort to improve the situation in Myanmar.
I thank you.