第55回人権理事会 議題2 アフガニスタン特別報告者とのインタラクティブ・ダイアローグにおける塩田崇弘公使参事官ステートメント(2024年2月29日)

The 55th Session of the Human Rights Council
Item 2: Interactive dialogue with SR on Afghanistan
Statement of Japan
SHIOTA Takahiro, Minister-Counsellor
The Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva
29 February 2024
   Thank you, Mr. Special Rapporteur, for your insightful report and presentation.
   We remain highly concerned about the human rights situation in Afghanistan, in particular discrimination against women and girls.
   As the Special Rapporteur highlights in his report, the Taliban continue to deny Afghan women and girls access to education beyond sixth grade, to public and political arenas, and to employment opportunities, including via the ban on working for NGOs and the United Nations, thereby further narrowing civic space, especially for women in need.
   Japan strongly urges the Taliban to immediately reverse these decisions, which run counter to international human rights law and may hinder humanitarian access.
   We will provide approximately 58 million US dollars from this fiscal year’s supplementary budget towards empowering the Afghan people, including through projects for women and girls to be delivered by UN Women and other agencies.
   In cooperation with the Special Rapporteur and other stakeholders, Japan will continue to make persistent efforts to directly engage with the Taliban to persuade them to change their course, to ensure respect for the human rights of all Afghans, including by reversing various restrictions on the rights of women and girls, and to ensure political inclusiveness.