第45回普遍的・定期的レビュー(UPR)作業部会対メキシコ合衆国審査 本清耕造大使ステートメント(2024年1月24日)

UPR of the United Mexican States – Statement of Japan
HONSEI Kozo, Ambassador
The Permanent Mission of Japan in Geneva
24 January 2024

(Delivered in Spanish)
   Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.

   Japan welcomes that Mexico has taken steps to improve living conditions of the population in extreme poverty, and to promote human rights of women and girls including adoption of a feminist foreign policy and an increase of its federal budgets to support the victims of violence.
   Japan recommends that Mexico:

   1) take further steps to ensure that the policies to promote and protect the rights of women and girls, migrants and refugee children are implemented; and

   2) uphold the rights of the child by providing necessary support for children to remain in school and have access to health services.

   I thank you.