第44回普遍的・定期的レビュー(UPR)作業部会対ブルキナファソ審査 竹内康朗専門調査員ステートメント(2023年11月6日)
UPR of Burkina Faso – Statement of Japan
TAKEUCHI Yasuaki, Human Rights Adviser
Permanent Mission of Japan
6 November 2023
TAKEUCHI Yasuaki, Human Rights Adviser
Permanent Mission of Japan
6 November 2023
Thank you, Mr. Vice-President.
Japan takes note of the efforts taken by Burkina Faso since the previous review cycle.
As acknowledged in the national report for this session, the country has faced - and continues to face - “a challenging security, health and humanitarian crisis”. It is a crisis that most severely affects individuals in vulnerable groups, including women and children.
Japan reiterates the importance of addressing the human rights situation and of the prompt restoration of constitutional order in Burkina Faso. Noting that Burkina Faso is a state party to most of the international human rights treaties, Japan recommends the following:
- Ensure access to basic goods and services and humanitarian assistance;
- Take measures to protect children, including by tackling the situation that is hindering them from receiving education; and
- Protect civic space.
We wish the delegation of Burkina Faso every success in the review.
I thank you.