第5回国連ビジネスと人権フォーラム, ビジネスと人権に関する指導原則に係る国別行動計画セッション, 志野光子大使ステートメント(平成28年11月16日) 

2016 United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights
“National action plans to implement the UN Guiding Principles:
stepping up Government commitments and action”
(November 16, 2016)
Statement by Ambassador Mitsuko SHINO
The Permanent Mission of Japan

Thank you, Mr. Chair and panelists for the stimulating presentation.

Japan welcomes the holding of the 5th Forum on Business and Human Rights with such large numbers in attendance. This forum provides a vital opportunity for states, corporations, civil society and other stakeholders to cooperate on issues relevant to business and human rights.

Japan will host the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in 2020. The Organizing Committee will take into full account the impact of its procurement process on environmental issues, as well as human rights and labour issues. In this connection, (Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games) Fundamental Principles for the Sustainable Sourcing Code were announced in January this year. This is only one example of the growing awareness in Japan on this issue.

We are pleased to note that over 25 persons from Japan, primarily from the business sector, are participating in the forum.

Japan strongly supports the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights that were endorsed by consensus at the Human Rights Council. We believe that, the establishment of the rule of law, particularly at national level, and the steady implementation of the Guiding Principles, will serve to protect and promote human rights in business practices.

We are committed to the implementation of the Guiding Principles. In this regard, we plan to formulate our National Action Plan in the coming years, and we have started preliminary discussion among relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

In formulating our National Action Plan, we consider it important to listen to the voices of business and civil society. We aim to reflect those opinions in a well-balanced manner to promote responsible business activities.

We intend to continue to encourage responsible business activities through many opportunities.

I thank you.